Urgent Letter to Halt Approved Clear Cutting
Email Template:
I write today with great urgency! Cutting and road permits for CP405 have been issued to Cooper Creek Cedar (Porcupine Wood Products) to clearcut ungulate winter range and old growth mountain caribou habitat on the Argenta-Johnsons Landing (AJL) Face. This action opposes the will of the vast majority of local residents who support the longstanding proposal to include the AJL Face in the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Provincial Park (PWCPP), a proposal also supported by many citizens and conservation groups throughout the province.
This proposal protects the habitat and connectivity for all wildlife, including mountain caribou, grizzly bear and wolverine, from mountaintop to lake shore and between the PWCPP and Goat Range Provincial Park. The spectacular view from Highway 31 and Kootenay Lake Provincial Park campgrounds draws tourists to a region that is rapidly growing an eco-tourism economy.
With the threat of imminent logging the urgency to protect this area is now more than ever. A moratorium on logging the AJL Face is essential. To finally include the AJL Face within the PWCPP is paramount. Now is the time!
Please let me know how you will proceed with this.
Yours Sincerely,
(Sign Your Full Name, Address & Postal Code, and Telephone Number)
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Hon. Bruce Ralston
Minister Forests
Hon. George Heyman
Minister of Environment & Climate Change Strategy ENV.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Brittny Anderson
MLA Nelson-Creston Brittny.Anderson.MLA@leg.bc.ca
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Please bcc us: willetwildernessforever@gmail.com